
Reservation on Railway passes - Revised Guidelines


No. 94/TG-1/20/P/14

New Delhi, Dated 28.08.2009

The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways including Production Units.

(Commercial Circular No.39 of 2009)

Sub: Reservation on Railway passes - Revised Guidelines

Due to change in system, the issue of seeking reservations on Railway Passes has been under consideration in the Ministry of Railways and it has now been decided that the following procedure should be adopted for providing reservations/cancellations on the Railway Passes:-

i) Pass holders or their representatives should present their passes along with the requisitions duly filled in to the Reservation Clerk who will issue ticket and make endorsement on the face of the pass indicating the train number, date of journey, status of tickets, etc.

ii) Holders of Privilege, Duty, Post Retirement, Complimentary, Metal and other passes may be allowed to seek fresh reservation only if the earlier reservation is cancelled.

iii) In case of confirmed reservation on Privilege, Post retirement, Complimentary and other passes, the pass holder can make maximum three time reservations provided the earlier one has been cancelled before chart preparation. If the confirmed reservation is not cancelled before preparation of charts, the pass will be treated as used. In exceptional cases, discretionary powers for allowing reservation on such passes only once can be delegated to a JA Grade level officer. At Divisional level, where any JA grade level Commercial officer is not available, the next senior most Commercial Officer may be delegated these powers.

iv) There will be no restriction in number of cancellations in case of Duty Pass, Metal Pass and in case of tickets having a status of fully/partially Waiting List (at the time of cancellation) against Privilege, Post Retirement and Complimentary passes. However, fresh reservation will be given only after the earlier one has been cancelled within the normal prescribed time limits.

v) Telephonic requests for reservation and cancellation will not be entertained.

vi) The portion of break journey will be treated as separate journey i.e. instructions contained at para (iii) and (iv) will be applicable for each leg of journey separately.

vii) It will be the responsibility of officer/staff making reservation on Metal/Duty Passes to ensure that between the same stations and on the same date, reservation should not be made in two separate trains.

Correction slip to Para 638 to 640 is being issued separately.

(Sanjay Manocha)
Dy. Director Traffic Commercial(G)-II
Railway Board.

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