
RBE No.: 79/2024 - Regarding Appointment on compassionate grounds

 RBE No.: 79/2024

भारत सरकार Government of India 

रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways 

रेलवे बोर्ड (Railway Board)

No. E(NG)II/2023/RC-1/29

New Delhi, dated 13.08.2024

The General Manager (P), 

All Zonal Railways/PUs & RDSO, 

(As per Standard mail list)

Sub: Appointment on compassionate grounds.

Kindly refer to para 3(III) (i) of Master Circular No. 16 circulated vide Board's letter No. E(NG)11/2022/RC-1/17 dated 22.02.2024 on the above subject.

2 On receiving reference seeking clarification from one of the Zonal Railways, the matter regarding timeline for considering CGA cases as provided in para 3(III) (i) of Master Circular No. 16 circulated vide Board's letter dated 22.02.2024 has been examined and it is stated that para 3(III)(1) of said Master Circular No. 16 circulated vide Board's letter dated 22.02.2024 may be read as under:

"All requests for CGA submitted within the prescribed period of 5 years from the date of death/medical invalidation or 2 years of attaining majority for ward registered earlier as minor, whichever is later, shall be finalized/decided by DRMs/CWMs/HODs/Competent Authority. Such cases not received within the aforesaid time limit will be considered as per the following schedule by the authority indicated against each: -

(a) Beyond 5 years and upto 20 years - 


(b) Beyond 20 years and upto 25 years -

To be decided by GMs at their Personal level only (are not to be delegated further) - 

(c) Beyond 25 years -

With prior approval of Ministry of Railways on personal recommendation of GMs"

(U. K. Tiwari)

 Director, Estt.(N)

 Railway Board

Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road, New Delhi-110001

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