
Manning of coaches by Ticket Checking Staff.

RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)

No. 2024/TG-V/10/Vol.I

New Delhi, dated 2-05.2024

Principal Chief Commercial Managers, All Zonal Railways

Sub: Manning of coaches by Ticket Checking Staff.

The ticket checking staff forms the vital front-end interface with passengers and performs versatile functions in the course of discharging their responsibilities. The duties performed by the ticket checking staff are vital not only from revenue point of view but also in shaping the general public perception of Indian Railways. However, inadequate manning of coaches by ticket checking staff owing to various reasons is highlighted at various foras from time to time. Since manning of reserved coaches is important to prevent inconvenience/harassment to bonafide passengers and leakage of revenue, the issue of inadequate manning needs to be addressed with utmost priority.

2. With a view to address this issue various guidelines have been issued from time to time, which are summarised below: -

i. Instructions were issued vide No. 2010/TG-V/10/Committee dated 15.12.2010 zonal Railways were asked to ensure manning of reserved coaches by reviewing the staff deployed in squads and suitably reducing the same as per limit indicated below:-

Zonal Railways having suburban: section -  Not exceeding 15% of the ticket checking staff on Roll.

Zonal Railways not having: suburban section -  Not exceeding 7% of the ticket checking staff on Roll

All zonal railways should suitably adjust staff strength of ticket checking staff working in ticket checking squads according to the stipulated percentage so as to increase availability of manpower to be deployed for manning the reserved coaches on Mail/Express passenger trains

ii. Zonal Railways were advised vide this office letters No. 2011/TG-V/26/8 dated 09- 09-2013 & 13-11-2013 to undertake the review of TTE links and to examine the feasibility of extending run of TTEs beyond Divisional/Zonal jurisdiction subject to Hours of Employment Regulation (HOER) norms. During the PCCMs conference held in New Delhi on 26-04-2024 also the issue of reviewing TTE links in coordination with adjacent Railways to achieve 100% manning of coaches was discussed and zonal Railways were advised to carry out a study to review manning by ticket checking staff in trains and stationary duties at all commercial offices at stations to eliminate overstaffing/understaffing. The feedback of the study conducted is required to be furnished to this office.

iii. Instructions were also issued vide Commercial Circular No. 72 of 2018 wherein zonal Railways were advised that in order to optimize the available human resource in the Commercial Department, wherever possible, the surplus ECRC staff may be engaged in stationary ticket checking activities after imparting necessary training and the stationary ticket checking staff may be entrusted with onboard ticket checking activities. This provision can be used by zonal Railways to increase availability of staff for manning the trains.

iv. In the view of introduction of Hand Held Terminals (HHTs) and proliferation of e- ticketing, zonal Railways may also get a work study of working of ticket checking staff conducted as per provisions of HOER and coach manning nomrs so as to assess the maximum period of action.

3. Zonal Railways are, therefore, requested to take action as per instructions contained in various guidelines mentioned above so as to increase the availability of ticket checking staff so that there is no apparent shortfall in the staff to be deployed for manning the reserved coaches on Mail/Express/Passenger trains particularly, in the first beat of the run of trains. Any innovative idea in this regard which has been implemented/is proposed to be implemented by zonal Railways may be shared with this office for further necessary action.

Neeraj Sharma
Principal Executive Director 
Passenger Marketing

Room No. 472, 4th Floor, Railway Board Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road, New Delhi-110001

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